Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Kindlin' Quarterly #6, Optical Sloth Reviews My New Book

One of the things that sets the Kindlin' Quarterly anthologies apart for me is the awesome covers by Editor and Comic Artist M. Young.

Kindlin' Quarterly is a quarterly anthology of various talented artists from across the U.S. It is full color, affordable (2.50) and you get a lot of bang for your buck with 45 pages of material. This issue features a wider range of people than ever before. The printing is beautiful, and it even features a bad ass adult coloring book in the middle.

I particularly enjoyed the work of Chad Woody and his "super classic" entitled "Injured Civil War Guys Eating Beans and Saying "You Son-of-a Bitch" comics. He claims on his blog it was a one of work of genius. His style reminds me alot of Micheal Kupperman of Snake and Bacon fame.

And here's a preview of the previously mentioned "Bad ass coloring book"....an image by Steph Neary

The Book also features a beautiful full color printing of my 4 pager "Young George Washington in....The Cherry Tree", as well as tons of others including but not limited to The All Knowing Hand, Anjali Alm-Basu, Edward Parker Bolman, Jett Bailes, Borpo Deets, Olivia Fought, Daniel McCloskey, Nate McDonough, Mike Madsen, Mr. Mutant, O'Ryan, and Lizzee Solomon.

Submissions are accepted before FEB 1, MAY 1, AUGUST 1, and NOV 1 to thekindlinquarterly@yahoo.com

But MOST IMPORTANTLY you can BUY the sucker on ETSY by either buying issues outright for $2.50. Or the better way, the CAPITALIST way, the AMERICAN WAY, by BUYING A SUBSCRIPTION for only 10 bucks!!

I was also really pleased to recently have my new book "The Mystery of the Light Shining Out of that Tower for Some Reason" reviewed at Optical Sloth. To clear a couple things up from the review. No, Bobby Mono is not my real name. I am indeed a human male human who draws crappy comics. Check out what Kevin Bramer had to say about it here.

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