Thursday, November 15, 2012

Bad Jokes, Short Run 2012, and more....

The last few months have been packed with exciting comic adventures and I've been neglecting my blog. Two weekends ago I attended The Short Run Comic Show for the 2nd time. It was a total blast meeting the people and selling some comics. I picked up a bunch of cool new books at the show.
I made a really fun little 8 page mini for the show called "Things that Sound Awesome but are Actually Terrible".
I made a new Macho Man t-shirt which is for sale at my Red Bubble store.
I illustrated Cthulhu updating his facebook profile photo...
I'm in a Video Box Art Show at Scarecrow Video till the end of the month, where I re-booted the box art for a very strange Mickey Rooney movie called "The Manipulator."
Some new The Wizard 2 inspired drawings!!!
And some other recent comic strips!!!
And more Boring!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Next Saturday the 22nd, I'll be at Jet City Comic Con in the Seattle Center Exhibition Hall. It's likely that I will be dressed as a ninja and totally wailing on a guitar with a wicked full moon in the background. Come check me out at table AA57 in the deep dark southwest corner....IF YOU DARE!!!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Oak Island, The Wizard 2 preview, and Inspirational Locker Room Speeches

I did a 4 page comic about the history of the Oak Island Money Pit for Hic & Hoc Publication's anthology about Unsolved Mysteries which is edited by Emi Gennis.
For the Kindlin' Quarterly #8 anthology which is a dreams theme I recently did a 5 page comic about the wizard having a nightmare. It will also be included in the upcoming comic The Wizard #2 that is in progress for early next year.
I also found time to be inspired by locker room speeches and make a strip about it.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Adventures of a Short Bearded Man

A new comic inspired by the epic prose of a book reviewer.

Last monday was the soft launch of the awesome new anthology of 14 artists...."Too Many God Damn Draculas." Available now at

Monday, July 2, 2012

Randy "The Wild Man" in Spoiler Alert

I wouldn't say I'm an avid fan of wrestling, especially now that the "Golden Age" of 80's wrestling is over. But back in the day this sport of manly soap operas seemed to have something to it, that it doesn't today. The gag here is sort of obvious, but I always loved the pre-fight interviews of wrestling where they were just sort of gutturally barking at each other about how awesome they're gonna beat each other up. The announcer, in case it's not blatantly obvious is inspired by WWF's Mean Gene.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

As of yesterday, I'm 94 Horse Years old.

Yesterday was my birthday, and for some reason I turned into a reverse centaur with the head of a horse and the body of a man. Here's the photoshoot.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Dracula At the End of the Bed

My second group anthology entitled "Too Many God Damn Draculas" is almost complete. 13 artists have combined with me to bring a full comic homage to Dracula. The awesomeness should be out sometime in Mid July. I've been obsessed with doing weird Micheal Kupperman-esque fake ads lately. Here's one for a product to keep Draculas out of your bedroom.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Wizard #2 is on the way!!

Hopefully y'all are as excited as I am that a new issue of The Wizard is in the works. I usually do an golden age comic ad parody for the back cover of my issues. But this time I'm sort of torn. I've always wanted to do an awkward attempt at approaching the genius of Mad Magazine's Al Jafee, with my very own Mad Fold In. I'm working on one for this issue, but I gotta tell you. That guy is amazing to be able to pull those things off. It's pretty damn hard. Anyway, I just finished the "first page" for The Wizard #2, which is a parody of those old sell things for prizes ads, you used to, and probably still do, see in comics.

So Here it is in all is satirical glory: I Just Wanna Give You Prizes!!!!
You may have to download it to get a good look. Cause the print is small, and the text is well worth reading. So get out your reading glasses and enjoy!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Haunted House

Sometime in late 2011, I had this dream that I was in one of those fake haunted houses. All the scenes in the haunted house were the stereotypical stuff, chainsaw guy, evil clown, guy chained to a wall....but they were all Draculas.

The classic line at the end of my dream inspired the name for my upcoming Dracula anthology. Here's the most accurate retelling of my dream from what I can remember....

Now that my anthology project "Too Many God Damn Draculas" is wrapping up, I'm pleased to announce I've overcome 2 years of writers block and am working on "The Wizard #2". I'm really excited about the project and you should see stuff from it posted here over the next few months. Hooray!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Stumptown News..New Comic and Too Many God Damn Draculas


The Stumptown Comics fest is finally this weekend. If you make it to Portland, I will be at TABLE A-13 with Max Clotfelter, Kelly Froh and Erolyn Franklin. I was already really looking forward to it, but then I found out that my hero Micheal Kupperman will be there on Saturday signing books to promote his new "Tales To Thrizzle". I feel lightheaded and I'm so excited.'

My latest comic is an autobiographical one. Seldom do I ever do auto-biographical comics. I just don't like talking about myself I guess. The next Kindlin' Quarterly anthology issue is all auto-biographical comics, so i decided to draw the tale of my first memory of suffering for my art. Here it is..."The Cub Scout"

And 2012 anthology TOO MANY GOD DAMN DRACULAS is starting to come together. I put together a string of posts on my tumblr account of some of the cool stuff you can expect to see in it. Here!!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

My Girl and some new stuff for sale

My upcoming anthology that I've been kicking around for a few months, "Too Many God Damn Draculas", is finally starting to come together with a trickle of comics by various people. Here's one of the couple of my own comics I had planned on including, which was inspired by...being really tired the other day. If you're interested in contributing, all the details are in my older blog post here.

Last year when I did The Short Run Comic Expo in Seattle, I made some wizard beards as kind of a fun gimmicky thing to go along with my popular mini "The Wizard." Unfortunately I sold out of all them beards, except for the one that I wore to a Halloween party. (That still has a bit of throw up on it from partying too hard heh.) This year, in addition to the "I Love You Sticker Set" I had last year, I'll also be selling some kick ass mini buttons based on my "Monosters" print I did around Halloween. They'll be at the Stumptown show when I go, but you can also buy the buttons or the stickers at my new zazzle shop. Below are a couple examples of the 8 button set.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

The History of Men Wearing Wigs

My latest comic sort of weirds me out a bit. Mainly because the entire premise is based on repetition of the f-bomb. But I agonized over the 2 word bubbles for like an hour the other day, trying to think about a way to make it just as funny without the f-bombs. I apologize for the offense, but it's the only way.

For those of you unfamiliar with history. Europeans and American guys used to wear wigs. Why? I don't know it's weird right. Apparently Louis the 14th of France was balding, so he forced all his courtesans to wear wigs. Then everybody who visited his court had to wear wigs. Then all of Europe was full of wig wearing dudes for like over a hundred years. Then all of a sudden around the 1780's, there was a tax on wig powder. So people were all, well....I really like wearing wigs and all, but whatever I don't want to pay more taxes. So now there's no more wigs.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Kindlin' Quarterly #6, Optical Sloth Reviews My New Book

One of the things that sets the Kindlin' Quarterly anthologies apart for me is the awesome covers by Editor and Comic Artist M. Young.

Kindlin' Quarterly is a quarterly anthology of various talented artists from across the U.S. It is full color, affordable (2.50) and you get a lot of bang for your buck with 45 pages of material. This issue features a wider range of people than ever before. The printing is beautiful, and it even features a bad ass adult coloring book in the middle.

I particularly enjoyed the work of Chad Woody and his "super classic" entitled "Injured Civil War Guys Eating Beans and Saying "You Son-of-a Bitch" comics. He claims on his blog it was a one of work of genius. His style reminds me alot of Micheal Kupperman of Snake and Bacon fame.

And here's a preview of the previously mentioned "Bad ass coloring book" image by Steph Neary

The Book also features a beautiful full color printing of my 4 pager "Young George Washington in....The Cherry Tree", as well as tons of others including but not limited to The All Knowing Hand, Anjali Alm-Basu, Edward Parker Bolman, Jett Bailes, Borpo Deets, Olivia Fought, Daniel McCloskey, Nate McDonough, Mike Madsen, Mr. Mutant, O'Ryan, and Lizzee Solomon.

Submissions are accepted before FEB 1, MAY 1, AUGUST 1, and NOV 1 to

But MOST IMPORTANTLY you can BUY the sucker on ETSY by either buying issues outright for $2.50. Or the better way, the CAPITALIST way, the AMERICAN WAY, by BUYING A SUBSCRIPTION for only 10 bucks!!

I was also really pleased to recently have my new book "The Mystery of the Light Shining Out of that Tower for Some Reason" reviewed at Optical Sloth. To clear a couple things up from the review. No, Bobby Mono is not my real name. I am indeed a human male human who draws crappy comics. Check out what Kevin Bramer had to say about it here.